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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.


Adding Physiological Intelligence to Games and Interactive Applications  (BIOSTEC)
Instructor : John Muñoz, Teresa Paulino and Stephen Fairclough

Decision Support Systems in the Era of Evidence-Based and Precision Medicine  (BIOSTEC)
Instructor : Muhammad Afzal

Biomedical Engineering Health Informatics and ICTs meet Industrial Property Rights  (BIOSTEC)
Instructor : Basile Spyropoulos

Adding Physiological Intelligence to Games and Interactive Applications


John Muñoz
Universidade da Madeira
Brief Bio
John Muñoz is a PhD student and researcher in the NeuorehabLab of M-iti. His research has been focused on the development of software tools for processing physiological signals related with Electrocardiography (ECG), Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and Electromyography (EMG) in order to provide relevant features of interest about the human physiological, physical and emotional state. Currently, he is an assistant researcher in the AHA project which aims to promote non-sedentary behaviors through the use of novel serious games for health approaches.
Teresa Paulino
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Brief Bio
Teresa Paulino is a technical assistant at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute under the Augmented Human Assistance project. She has an undergraduate degree in Interactive Media Design from University of Madeira and is currently a Master student in Informatics Engineering. Prior to this project she worked in the Rehabnet project where she developed tools for rehabilitation of stroke patients. Teresa loves team work and she’s always willing to assist her colleagues with their projects whether with programming or with design tasks. She has a particular interest in software and interactive technologies that are able to promote the life quality of their users.
Stephen Fairclough
Liverpool John Moores University
United Kingdom
Brief Bio
Stephen Fairclough is a Professor of Psychophysiology at Liverpool John Moores University. He received his PhD from Loughborough University where he was part of a human factors group working on the development of in-vehicle technology. His work focused on the monitoring of driver impairment due to sleepiness and the development of systems designed to detect impairment. This work involved collaboration with a number of car companies (Ford Europe, Renault) and involved the development of psychophysiological and behavioural markers of driver impairment. Since joining LJMU, he has focused on physiological computing systems where physiological data is used as control input for technological systems. His work has been presented at a range of conferences, from the Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research to IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. He has published research in journals spanning psychology (International Journal of Psychophysiology, Psychophysiology, Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine) and computer science (Interacting with Computers, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communication Systems).

Physiological signals are conventionally used on game user research not only to passively record user’s body responses but also as a way to create real-time adaptations that can enhance the overall game experience. This adaptation strategy uses a biofeedback mechanism called Biocybernetic Loop, which utilizes personal physiological data to infer users’ states (e.g. stress, excitement) and react accordingly. Although this sophisticated technology has shown very promising results in assisting players to either improve the game challenge or avoid frustrations, there are still several limitations regarding the integration of physiological sensors, the signal processing, and psychophysiological inference as well as the communication between the system and the games. To address such issues, the Biocybernetic Loop Engine (BL Engine) proposes an integrated physiological computing architecture that serves as a unifying tool in the collection, analysis, translation pipeline of adding physiological intelligence to games. In this tutorial, we will expose successful use cases of physiologically adaptive games that have been developed and carefully evaluated. We further proposed a hands-on activity in where assistants will be guided through the cumbersome process of adding biocybernetic adaptation to customizable games. The tutorial ends with a provocative discussion about the most promising scenarios in where the use of physiologically augmented games can enhance the quality of gameplay and players’ wellbeing.


Physiological Computing, Game Design, Wearable Computing, Biocybernetic Adaptation, Affective Computing, Virtual Reality, Serious Games.

Aims and Learning Objectives

This course aims at providing practical information about the design and implementation of videogames that use physiological signals to interpret human behavior and respond accordingly. The course has three stages:
• Introduction the core elements of using physiological signals in videogames via a discussion of the relevant literature highlighting best practices, current problems and the various types of wearable sensors being utilized.
• Introduction to the Biocybernetic Loop Engine: a game development tool to easily create and iterate affective videogames based on the acquisition, processing and interpretation of physiological and affective signals.
• A practical session dedicated to the use of the Biocybernetic Loop Engine and available wearable physiological sensors to create an affective videogame in Unity3D.

Target Audience

Researchers (fields: physiological and affective computing, game user research, human-computer interaction, psychophysiology, entertainment technologies and similar ones), software developers, game designers.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

-Human physiological phenomena
-Physiological sensing
-Games and game user research

-Game design
-Programming skills (C#)
-Past experience with Unity3D, Game Engine

Detailed Outline

-Introduction to the Biocybernetic Loop Construct
-Uses cases of physiologically adaptive games (creation and evaluation).

Hands-on Activity
-Introducing the Biocybernetic Loop Engine
-Design and implementation of Biocybernetic Loops in videogames. Integration with Unity3D projects.

Final Remarks and Visit to the NeurorehabLab at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute for additional demos.

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Decision Support Systems in the Era of Evidence-Based and Precision Medicine


Muhammad Afzal
Sejong University
Korea, Republic of
Brief Bio
Muhammad Afzal is now working as Assistant Professor at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. He received his PhD from Kyung Hee University, South Korea, in 2017 with Excellent Thesis Award and M.S. degree from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan in 2009. Being country first HL7 certified specialist, he was nominated for country-level Proctor to HL7 certification training and exams in Pakistan. Additionally, he served as a lead instructor to teach tutorials on health standards in Pakistan and Middle East. Professionally, he has more than 10 years educational, research, and development experience in health informatics application and services. He participated in more than 8 medium-to-large scale academia-industry collaborative projects in a leading role. As a researcher, he contributed to author more than 60 publications in different reputed journals/conferences in addition to 4 local and international patents. He presented his work in different countries including USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. His current research includes Evidence-adaptive Decision Support Systems, Precision Medicine, Applications of Machine Learning, and Text Mining.

Decision support systems and services have long been utilized to assist clinicians and physicians in making affective decisions while reducing the chance of medical errors and increasing healthcare quality and efficiency. Many different kinds of decision support systems (DSSs) and approaches are in action for their potential to improve the overall healthcare decision process. In the existence of Evidence-based medicine and with the advent of precision medicine, more informed healthcare is envisioned to be practiced. The contemporary DSSs need to be channelized to incorporate the very need of precision medicine components such as genomic and environmental data in addition to patient demographics and clinical data.
In this tutorial session we will elaborate to talk about DSSs, advancements in DSSs, evidence-based medicine, evidence-adaptive DSSs, precision medicine, and role of DSSs in precision medicine. A set of technologies will be discussed while speaking the above-mentioned topics such as; model-driven (e.g. rule-based, case-based), data-driven (e.g. machine learning, deep learning), natural language preprocessing, information retrieval, information extraction, and others.
This tutorial will provide a fair learning opportunity to the audience in terms of understanding the changing role of popular techniques in the domains of health and wellness. They will be able to connect the dots of different co-existed technologies while they are researching, developing, or implementing enterprise level systems and services.


Clinical Decision Support System, Evidence-based Medicine, Precision Medicine, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Health and Wellness.

Aims and Learning Objectives

The fundamental aim of this tutorial is to educate people on the advancements in the healthcare and medicine ranging from decision support systems to personalize and precise recommendations both from conceptual and technical perspective. The main learning objectives are as follows:
• To prepare for the forthcoming needs of health informatics and the associated challenges in terms of realization and implementation.
• To learn the basic building-blocks and their relationship of different existed and emerging techniques in the domain of health informatics to help building more autonomous and useful systems and services.
• To realize the importance of personalization in the era of futuristic healthcare and precision medicine.

Target Audience

*Computer Science students, teachers, and researchers.
*Health IT Professionals.
*Medical professionals including nurses, clinicians and physicians can also take advantage from the conceptual parts of the tutorial.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

*Basic knowledge of Health IT concepts such as EMR/EHR and Medical Information Systems.
*Know-how of expert systems and machine learning.

Detailed Outline

This tutorial will cover the following topics.
• Overview of health informatics concepts
• Introduction to decision support systems (DSS)
o Components of DSS
o Types of DSS
o Knowledge Bases and Standardization
o Knowledge Acquisition Methods
o Model-driven (expert-driven) vs data-
driven(machine-driven) approaches
• Evidence-based Medicine and Evidence-Adaptive DSS
o Overview of Evidence-based Medicine (EBM)
o Key elements of EBM
o Challenges in EBM process
o Role of automation in EBM
o Integration of DSS with EBM
o Concept and Development Strategies of Evidence-
Adaptive CDS
• Precision Medicine and Precise Recommendation
o Briefs of Precision Medicine Initiative
o Components of Precision Medicine (PM)
o Role of DSSs in the Era of PM
o Research and Implementation challenges
• Putting together
o Putting together all the three major topics:
DSS, EBM, and PM
o Conclusion and Future Roadmap

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Biomedical Engineering Health Informatics and ICTs meet Industrial Property Rights


Basile Spyropoulos
Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens
Brief Bio
Vasileios (Basile) P. Spyropoulos, born in Thessaloniki, Greece on August 5th, 1953, received a B.Sc. Degree in Physics, from the University of Athens, Greece in 1976, and a Ph.D. Degree in Medical Physics from the Universities of Heidelberg and Saarland, Germany, in 1982. He held positions in the ISR-Division of CERN, Switzerland, in the Radiology and Clinical Chemistry Institutes of the Medical School of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He was Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department of the Public Enterprise for Hospital Construction, Athens, Greece, and he served as Patent Examiner, in the European Patent Office, Munich, Germany. Since 1987, he is full Professor of Biomedical Technology, in the Biomedical Engineering Department, of the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece. He served or still serves as Visiting Professor in the National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece, University of Patras Medical School, Greece, National School of Public Administration, Athens, Greece, Greek Army Medical Corps Applications’ School, Athens, Greece, University of Athens Department of Informatics, Greece, University of Heidelberg Medical School, Germany, Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, National Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics Institute (NIKHEF), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, University of Crete, Greece, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, and Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA. He leads the Biomedical Technology Laboratory of TEI of Athens, encompassing activities related to Health-Care Information Technology, Biomedical Technology and Hospital Management, Medical Decision Supporting Systems, and Radiological Protection Methods and Policies. Over 400 contributions in Journals & Conferences, 9 Volumes e-Lecture-notes, 29 Chapters, 2 BME-Books over 1000 pages.

Innovation has become synonymous of competitiveness, however, the increasing importance for Industrial Property (IP) Rights, and more specific for Patent-information, is often disregarded in academic Biomedical Technology and Medical Informatics research. The “ossified” knowledge and other technical information available in IP-documents are still underestimated in Academia, due to a lack of awareness and understanding of their function and advantages. IP-laws are concerned with the legal regulation of mental products, and they facilitate the cooperation of Industry and Academia, however, there is almost no training provided for Medicine, Engineering and Science graduate students. Having a very positive experience in offering courses on IP-Rights, for graduate students in our Department, since 2003, a Tutorial is proposed, aiming the acquaintance of mainly young professionals, with the basics of IP-Rights, focused on BME. The Tutorial will address relevant aspects of IP such as, the origin and the historical development of IP-protection, Trade-Secrets, Trademark, Publicity-Rights and Moral-Rights, Copyright, Patent International Protection, Licensing, Royalties, etc. Another goal is focusing on equipment and software classification, information retrieval out of patent documents and their use in research projects, by the employment of the Esp@cenet, the specialized Internet based search-engine of the European Patent Office and other similar services. The prediction potential of IP-Documents concerning the development course of emerging technologies, is another important advantage that will be examined. This is obtained by evaluating relevant IP-Documents and combining premature hints, often embedded in patent applications,and aiming to extend the claimed legal and technical protection. The determination of collective technological and capital-investment trends in a technical field, by “mapping” related IP-documents, is a further ability of IP. Finally, a last “hidden-capacity”of IP-Document evaluation, is the identification of Ethical and Legal aspects of emerging technologies, out of properly selected and assessed relevant documents.


Industrial Property Rights, Patent-search, Patent-mapping, Biomedical Engineering, ICTs and Informatics.

Aims and Learning Objectives

-Historical review of IP-protection: Trade-Secrets, Trademark, Copyright etc.
- Patentability criteria, Priority, International Protection, Licensing, Royalties etc.
- Patent classification systems and information retrieval out of patent documents.
- The prediction potential of IP-Documents.
- Patent mapping indicating technological and capital-investment trends.
- Identification of Ethical and Legal aspects out of IP-Documents.
- Examples from BME, MEDINFO and ICTs

Target Audience

Young BME, ICT & MEDINFO Engineers or Graduate students.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

No experience or knowledge related to Industrial Property Rights is assumed as Prerequisite.

Detailed Outline

The proposed tutorial approaches Industrial Property as a regulatory system, balancing incentives to encourage human inventiveness, while at the same time it is seeking not to disproportionately restrict its dissemination.

It focuses mainly on BME, ICT and MEDINFO Systems and Technologies issues, and it attempts to combine practice-directed material with public policy concerns.

During the tutorial following aspects will be mentioned:

• The origin and the historical progress of Intellectual creativity protection will be reviewed in brief.

• The most relevant aspects and components of Industrial Property such as Trademark Rights, Copyright, Patent International Protection, Licensing, Royalties etc. will be concisely addressed.

• Care will be taken to quickly describe the Equipment, Methods and Software classification procedures, according the International and European Patent Classification Catalogues.

• The characteristic and compulsory components of a patent document, such as title, the classification, the priority date, the abstract, the extended description, the drawings, and the most important features, the claims will be explained, and their role in the protection granting procedure will be highlighted.

• Types of patents and the patentability criteria.

The practical core of the tutorial constitutes the presentation of the esp@cenet free on-line patent search engine of the European Patent Office, and the demonstration of its employment capacity, for various types of patent searches, and for the retrieval of crucial information out of patent documents.

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